In addition to his current position, Mohammad Rudy Salahuddin is a Commissioner with PT. Tugu Pratama Indonesia (a subsidiary of PERTAMINA) and PT PNM Venture Capital (a subsidiary of Permodalan Nasional Madani). Previously, Salahuddin held various positions in BKPM, including Director of Investment Planning for Service and Economic Zone and Director of Exhibition and Promotion Media. He was Deputy Director for Energy Development and Utilization, Deputy Director for Post and Telematics and the Head of Informatics and Multimedia Section with the State Ministry of National Development Plan (PPN/BAPPENAS). He was also on staff with Transportation Equipment Planning Bureau at PPN/BAPPENAS. He participated in the Knowledge Intern Program (KIP) in the Transportation Division, IBRD at the World Bank in Washington, DC.
Salahuddin received a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from Universitas Indonesia, Depok; a Master’s Degree and Doctoral degree in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering from George Washington University, Washington, DC.