Registration Early Bird
Final Week
General Registration
$799 $949 $1099
Referral from U.S. Commercial Service*
(*referral code required)

$699 $849 $999
Nonprofit Sector
(gov't; education; public service; NGO)

$599 $749 $899

3 Ways to Register

  Fast and Secure


   Hard Copy

(to pay by check** or credit card)

Download Registration Form

Fax (213)740-8538 or Email [email protected]

or Mail: APBO; 2017 Registration

USC Marshall School CIBER

837 Downey Way, STO 313

Los Angeles, CA 90089-1145

   Call Us!

(213) 740 - 7130

Simply call us on this number to make

your registrations over the phone

Packages Include

  • Registration Fee includes 2 continental breakfasts, 2 lunches, breaks, a hosted evening reception and program materials. Also included is access to up to 5 One-on-One meetings with U.S. Senior Commercial Officers - if qualified and on a space availability basis.

  • Special rates for U.S. Commercial Service and Other Referrals (must have a REFERAL CODE)To qualify for the special discounted registration fees, please enter your referral code in designated space on the online registration system or the printable form.

  • Cancellation Policy Registration fee is fully refundable (minus a $35 processing fee) -- if cancellation is received by March 03, 2017; thereafter only substitutions will be permitted.