Tami Overby

President & CEO
American Chamber of Commerce

Tami joined the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM) as Executive Director in June 1995. She is responsible for managing day-to-day operations of the Chamber. She supervises a staff of over 20 Korean employees as they coordinate all events, meetings, briefings and the production and marketing of all AMCHAM publications.

She is the liaison between over 30 different committees that make up the core of the Chamber activities and is also an active member of the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.

Tami arrived in Korea in 1988 and has been actively involved in AMCHAM ever since. She served as Co-Chairperson of the Membership Committee and the Human Resources Committee, was elected to serve on the Chamber's Board of Governors and later elected as Vice President before being selected to lead the Chamber as their senior paid executive. She has actively participated in 17 different Washington Doorknock trips and in June 1996 testified before the US Congressional Immigration Sub-Committee on Korea's behalf to join the Visa Waiver Program and has been a driving force behind AMCHAM's support for improving the efficiency of the US government's visa process.

Tami is active in civic and charitable activities as well including the Seoul Children's Welfare Committee and Invest Korea Advisory Council. Tami is the AMCHAM representative to the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) and is on General Bell's Senior Korea Advisory Council. She is also on the Board of Directors for AMCHAM's non-profit foundation, Partners for the Future, providing aid and assistance to the unemployed in Korea. Tami also is a member of the Fulbright Commission Board, Director of the Korea BBB Association, Trustee of the East Asia Institute, and Mayor of Seoul English Village Suyu Camp.

In recognition of her efforts in promoting mutually cooperative economic relations between the Republic of Korea and the United States, Tami was awarded a Letter of Citation (Bronze Tower) by President Roh, Moo-hyun in December 2004, as well as by President Kim Dae-Jung in March 2001. In April 2006, she was also appointed as the Co-Chairman of the U.S.-Korea Visa Waver Program Coalition.

Her hobbies include golf and riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle all around the beautiful Republic of Korea.

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